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Jodie: “It feels like I’ve got my life back!"

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Jodie has struggled with her weight for past 10 years, she dieted on and off and tried pretty much every diet out there but nothing worked for her. However with the help of the Counterweight programme she was able to lose 4 stone and her blood glucose dropped from 12.3mmol/L to 5.4mmol/L! "I would absolutely recommend Counterweight to anyone. It’s so different from any other diets I’ve done because they actually teach you about how to maintain your weight loss and the support you get from the dietitians is incredible".

Sarah: "The soups and shakes give you the break that you need to just reset."

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Sarah talks about how she developed a reliance on food for comfort during the COVID pandemic which led to her gaining around 10kg and how she's been able to break this habit on the Counterweight-Plus programme and return to her pre-lockdown weight.

"If you feel like you’ve lost a bit of control over your eating habits due to COVID, the soups and shakes give you the break that you need to just reset. Plus the programme isn’t just focused on weight loss, it’s about the slow transition back to normal eating habits so that you can develop a healthy routine on the other end."