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Counterweight Testimonials


"The programme teaches you to change your habits and having a dietitian is surprisingly helpful because that phone call every few weeks or so, you can ask questions, see how you're doing, see where you can improve. So it really does help having a dietitian in the background there, ready for you. And even on text, if you have one little problem or one little thing you want to question, they're there for you. So that was great!

I have had slight asthma over the last few years, and now I don't use my pumps anymore at all. So it definitely helps with that and generally moving about is all easier. Health wise, it does help losing the weight. It's really beneficial going forwards. It's got me in the mindset now of eating for health reasons permanently, which is a change that I've seen, and I should be able to fix it".

If you're going to look at doing the programme and you're nervous about it, go for it. You've got everything to lose in weight and everything to gain in health. So just go for it. Give the phone call, send a text message, one little step at a time. And the dietitians are great. They will help you through it".


"I'm not on a diet, and I say to people, it's not a diet, I've just changed my eating habits. 

We embarked on this process a year ago, and I've never looked back and I'm now well in remission. I'm diabetes free. In the last year, I've not taken any tablets. I've learned a lot about myself, my body and about my eating habits and I've put strategies in place to ensure that I don't overeat. Again, to give you some sort of context, at my heaviest when I was bodybuilding, I was at 15 and a half stone. When I started this programme, I was 13 and a half stone. I'm now ten and a half stone. So from my heaviest, I've lost five stone. From starting the programme, lost three stone. So it's been the best thing I've ever done.

As Nike says, just do it, honestly just do it"


"The main reason why I like Counterweight is because you basically substitute your breakfast and also your lunch with a substitute meal with a shake or soup, which helped me a lot, because my problem was never that I ate a lot of takeaways or a lot of unhealthy food, but my main problem was portion size. So obviously by having substituted two meals, I already knew what my right portion size should be.

I would definitely recommend to anyone, give it a go and just stick to it. I know it's hard and not always easy, but you will see the results and the rewards and the more rewards you see, the easier it will be to actually stick to it".


"The heart risk has gone from 86, I think, to 66. My cholesterol is down to 5.5 and my thyroxine I've had to come down from 125 to 100! So everything health wise, medically is just so much better and I just feel blessed and thankful to you all for giving me this chance".



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