Home / News and Media / Counterweight's Diabetes Remission Plus Programme extended to all of Wales this year
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Counterweight's Diabetes Remission Plus Programme extended to all of Wales this year

Counterweight, a leading UK weight management company, is delighted to announce that its diabetes remission programme has been extended across Wales.

The Counterweight Plus Programme, which was previously piloted in four Welsh health board areas between 2020 and 2022, will be available for free in several health boards including Cardiff and Vale, Swansea Bay, Hywell dda, Aneurin Bevan and Cwm Taf Morgannwg, thanks to the continuation of its partnership with NHS Wales and the All Wales Diabetes Implementation Group.

The programme, delivered by registered dietitians, assists people with type 2 diabetes in losing weight and achieving remission by providing them with the tools they need to maintain their weight loss, as well as tips, information, and guidance on how to live a healthy, sustainable, and enjoyable lifestyle.

We are thrilled to be able to continue our partnership with NHS Wales and offer the Counterweight Plus programme to people with type 2 diabetes. Wales has the highest prevalence of diabetes in the UK, and the numbers continue to climb, costing the NHS approximately 10% of its annual budget. Our programme is designed to educate and empower individuals to take control of their health and well-being. Even though it is currently only available for a year, we are confident that these tools will have a domino effect on future generations and help reduce the long-term financial burden on the NHS,” says Laura Sloman, CEO of Counterweight.

The scientifically proven programme was developed in 2017 as part of the UK's DiRECT Trials and received very positive results. More than 82 percent of study participants who lost 15kg or more achieved diabetes remission. These figures were matched within the first cohort of the Wales Remission service.

The programme includes an in-depth competency-based training model delivered by Counterweight’s specialist dietitians, which provides NHS staff with specialist training as well as regular mentoring and support required to successfully deliver the programme. Those staff selected to take the course will also receive a certificate which will serve as evidence of their professional development as well as a foundation for future study.

In addition to assisting with staff upskilling, Counterweight will also assist NHS Wales in its environmental efforts to reduce its carbon footprint, with the goal of becoming carbon-neutral by 2030.

“This project has transformed my life. With the dietitian's continuous support, I went from being overweight in February 2020 to reaching a normal healthy weight by July 2020, losing over 30kg. The diet has had a positive effect on the whole family. The three adults in the household have lost over 25% of our starting weight. We cook and eat more healthily, and we exercise more more often". - Wales Diabetes remission service patient.

In Wales, the Counterweight Plus programme is recommended for adults over the age of 18 who have type 2 diabetes diagnosed within the last 6 years and have a BMI greater than 27. This work, along with the research evidence, will inform the future direction for Wales. We hope that a positive outcome will open this up to be an option for all eligible people with Type 2 diabetes in Wales. Download the free eBook to learn more: Remission: Possible



For more information, contact Counterweight PR at pr@counterweight.org

Counterweight is the UK’s leading weight management company, with proven results in both weight loss and type 2 diabetes remission. The Counterweight-Plus Programme was used in the DiRECT Trials, which proved that with weight loss and the right support, diabetes remission is possible.


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